Tuesday, November 24, 2009


She is gentle
She is Haze
Precious and pretty
She owns our city
Watch her float
The air we breath is her boat
Inward inside us all
She is Haze
Never mind the sun
Sometimes it is just no fun
Dreaded and hot
Burning you into a spot
She is moist and cool
She is Haze
Into me I let her graze
She is gentle
She is Haze
Precious and pretty
She owns our city
On this particular day


Friday, October 30, 2009


A long weekend off in the fall
North in the mountains we went
Fall-cation if you will
Over 200 pictures we took
I load them onto my PC
I look at each almost 100 times
I could look at them all a 1000000 times
All the smiles on her little face
All the smiles on your motherly face
What a time, what a place
North in the mountains
Out in the cool clean air
Down the trail to Dianas water fountains
Around the Echo lake
My heart made many a quake
Another and another...
We were in such a good place
Now I look at pictures of our faces
I will always hold that time dearly in my heart


Wednesday, October 28, 2009

Driven to Inspiration

I am full of inspiration

I have a blue fire burning inside

Driving in the early morning commute

It has inspired me so

So much so I want to paint it

The whole dim light view this morning

Was just simple perfect awesome

Heading south

Red lights everywhere in front of me

To the left on the north bound side

White lights everywhere

Each light two by two

Here there everywhere

Each far side of the highway

Deep deep dark pine trees

You could just make out the detail on the edges

The sky down low in the distance light blue

With a hint of yellow, orange, red...etc.

As the dawning sun was just starting to show

Above it deep darker blue clouds

The medium strip dividing the whole view

I was in a daze, really taking it all in

I was inspired by the traffic

I was inspired by my commute

I drive the speeding limit

Right in the middle lane

I keep good distance from the car in front

I sit back and daze out
I almost felt like I was floating

No I was smoking nothing

That was the great part

I found this zone

In my own head all by myself

I guess it was like a trance

Maybe a meditation, I don't know

Call it what you will

But yet still

I was very aware of everything

I am full of inspiration

I have a blue fire burning inside

Driving in the early morning commute

It inspired me so

So much so

I want to paint it

I will paint it!


Wednesday, October 21, 2009

Sing Baby Sing

She can't yet talk
She can't even crawl
But she can sure sing
When she hears those 6 strings ring
It is a safe bet
She is gonna sing real loud
As loud as she can sing
We go La la la la
A doe rei mi
We go Fa fa fa fa
She makes me smile an laugh so hard
I almost pee
It is my favorite time of the day
When my little girl sings
To a simple four chords strummed
She has the strongest vocal cords
That I have ever heard
She can't yet talk
She can't even crawl
But she can sure sing
When she hears those 6 strings ring
It is a safe bet
She is gonna sing real loud
As loud as she can sing
I just pick up the guitar
And show it to her
She looks at me with the cutest smirk
Once I start strumming
Her voice gets running
Screaming-singing at the top of her lungs
We go La la la la
A doe rei mi
We go Fa fa fa fa
And so on and so on and so on.....


Friday, October 16, 2009

Dad !

The first snow flakes of the season fall in this early dawn

Red tail lights surround me setting me free

Free from this slow morning commute that I drive in

As I drift off and remember that night

The night; xmas eve driving to see the family

I seemed to be following an ambulance

Red lights a' flashing but no siren at all

Swiftly maneuvering the winding streets

Hmm I am still following them it just can't be

A left, a right and a right

Right down your street

It can't be it just can't be

I see a fire engine parked out in front

Now the ambulance parks right at its side

They rush in

I rush in completely numb tears building in my eyes

It just can't be it can't be

My brother in-law says don't go in there

Of course I do

Many firemen and ambulance people surround my father

He is on the floor his bare chest exposed

They seem not to be doing much at all

I know he is gone I know it

I walk back out the front door

Numb numb numb numb as can be

As if an odd dream

I walk to the end of street

I look out into the bay

Out towards the boston skyline

In total disbelief

But I know he is gone

Xmas eve he is gone

I collect myself a little

I go back in the house

They prepare him onto the stretcher

They take him out into the ambulance

They can't say to me he is dead

But I know we know he is gone

I see my sister

I see her two little ones

They saw Grampa on the floor as well

They will never forget

We will never forget

Dad, Grampa in his room surrounded by his art

His paintings his art

Clutching a winning ticket, a scratch ticket

20$ I believe

On xmas eve

He went quick

He went peaceful

He got the golden ticket out of here

Who woulda known it would be that night

I miss him so

Hazel will never get to meet him

He would of loved her so

This I know

I now have his art hanging in my AM Room

I hang my art next to his on the wall

Thanks Dad for endless inspiration

I will carry him on and on and on

Tell everyone about him

Tell them about his art

How he was a good man

He raised ten kids

He was a good man

As my Mother says,"He coulda stuck around a little longer!"

I clearly remembered that night of 6 years ago

It took some snow flakes and red lights to bring it back

I drifted right out of that commute to work this morning

I do not remember how I got to exit 37

Who was driving my car?




Thursday, October 15, 2009

Lucid Art

I had this blank screen in front of me
I decided to cover it in this word
Not gospel but mere simple word
Word expelled from my skull
Is it dull?
I'll try to let it fly out graceful like a gull
Now you read on and be the judge...a judge...
Go on judge!

Give me a big black crayon
On white paper I shall create a smudge
Hack-too as I spit in anger
I am no artist
Just a silly dreamer
Give me six metal strings
Wound tight strung across an acoustic hole
I shall strum them as to make music
Plink plink plunk BONK
Ah who am I
I am no musician
I am a just a silly dreamer
Give me a blank pc screen
Let me try to rant out a scream
Not sweet like ice a' cream
But filthy stupid I like I got no cupid
I am just a silly dreamer
No no no no
I am...., I am lucid..
Quite lucid..., dam lucid
I have lucid art
I can paint
I can play guitar
I can write
I am right!
You are wrong
Beauty is in the eyes of the beholder
Or something like that, huh?
That's what they say
I think your art sucks
Yes it does
Now go judge yourself


Wednesday, October 14, 2009

Retired Martian

I am a Martian
Driving a saturn
Up 93 north
As you know I am a god of war
But the war is over
Because I am all settled down
So I guess that makes me in retirement
But I still have to work
To pay the bills
What a silly life
Albeit except for my family
A Wife and Baby Girl
And of course our dog
I am a Martian
Driving a saturn
Up 93 northTo our new berth
Further from the city
Than before
And sure
Yea we miss the shore
But new things and places
Keep the excitement on
So on and on and on we go
Me being a Martian
Someday somewhere I'll find a new war
When the time is right
And the battles will be worth the fight
Until then I am settled down
In retirement
With the FAMILY
